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Monday, June 18, 2012


WWW which is expanded as World Wide Web is generally a part of any website's URL. You can see any website's URL starting with www. It is just a sub-domain but which all DNS record should contain for sure. Let's take three of my blogs for explanation.
  1. http://www.krishnainfotron.com/
  2. http://howtoblog.krishnainfotron.com/
  3. http://www.tncif.krishnainfotron.com/

First URL is more general just like www.google.com, www.blogger.com. Second one, instead of www, it has howtoblog. This is a sub-domain URL and www is missing here. In third one we might think that tncif is the sub-domain URL. No. It is wrong. www.tncif is the sub-domain URL. With all these experiments I was able to figure out that www is also a sub-domain. And If I wish to have an URL like wwww.krishnainfotron.com, its possible. I can keep howtoblog as www.howtoblog.krishnainfotron.com. When we get into sub-domain, www can be placed wherever we wish. I can even have URL like howtoblog.www.krishnainfotron.com. For example I made my test blog with URL http://testblog.www.krishnainfotron.com/. This is the new thing that I found. In sub-domains, www can be placed before/after/middle of two words. Some think testblog is a sub-domain of www.krishnainfotron.com. Its not. Actually, testblog.www is a sub-domain of krishnainfotron.com.

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