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Monday, May 14, 2012

Buying a domain.

When I said that I bought a domain, many asked bought a domain? From whom?
I bought a domain from a registrar.

Why should I pay for a domain?

            A short answer may be just another question. “When you buy a land, why do you pay the government?”
Government is a legal authority. So we pay them. Who are these registrars to pay them?
            While buying a land, you pay registrar and the registrar in turn pays it to government, ISW, when you buy a domain, you pay registrar and the registrar in turn pays ICANN is my guess. Any one who has a different thought can feel free to comment.

A list of registrars whom I came across during the process of buying a domain are : - http://howtoblog.krishnainfotron.com/2012/05/list-of-registrars.html

While buying a domain, URL plays an important role:-

Knowing the use of buying a domain is also an important one :-

Choosing the TLD. Is it an exception?

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